Setting Guest Guidelines for Rental Properties

Rules involving guest registration must be strict around your property. Tenants must be requested to register their guests with you. As a property manager, you will have to decide whether you want the registration to be strict with long-term visitors only, or if overnight guests also require to be registered. In either case, the criteria must be mentioned in the lease so that it is transparent and your tenants will know what to do when they have visitors.


Limited Visits

Your tenants obviously have the right to engage visitors. While some guests stay for a short while, other may stay for long. Since you can’t really tell how long a particular visit may last, setting a limit on guest visits can help you control potential situations effectively. Mention the number of days that a visitor is allowed in your property in the lease agreement so that there are no problems in the future.


Shared Responsibility

You must inform your tenants that they bear responsibility for the actions of their guests. Any damage to your property caused by the guests will have to be attended to by the tenant. Even the smallest of problems have the potential to escalate, and if the guests leave before you have detected the problems created by them, you will be left with no choice but to fix it yourself. So keeping your tenant aware of small matters will help you effectively manage your property and all amenities within it.

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